Katherine Ka Yi Liu: Misinterpretations
2 - 9 September 2016
Tontine Building, Glasgow, U.K.
Katherine Ka Yi Liu’s first solo exhibition, Misinterpretations, stands amid the traditional and the progressive, she strives to transcend both while deciphering the diverse relationships that form between our contradictory identities and globalised societies. Her work often seeks to generate phenomenal experiences for spectators; situations where minimalism and meditation as practice are simultaneously adopted. Her practice deliberates on notions of cultural, sociopolitical and sociolinguistic navigation with a determination towards a conversation on conflict and the politics of power and gender.
Misinterpretations is presented as a paradox; a situation that harbours both mockery and reality, balancing sarcasm and solemnity as a methodology in interrogating the problematic within the institution; the institution will consume all critique. As a body of work, the solo exhibition moves closer to a still revolutionary strategy and a protestation towards contemporary systems of value.
Through the metaphorical, Liu discloses her artistic investigations by translating her thought and research into contemplative forms and visual cues; where she holds conversations on the absurdity of language, the stereotype, aesthetics, and the image and their respective embedded positions in our everyday. Featuring works that articulate themselves through sound, sculpture, video, text, and performance, Misinterpretations comes together to reciprocate the conversations, both between the works and between the artist and the spectator.
Katherine Ka Yi Liu (b.1989) is a female, Asian contemporary artist. Working across varied media, including sculptural installation, sound, performance and video, Liu questions and articulates underlying frustrations towards mortal fallacies perceived through being a perpetual observer and an outsider.
Solomon_4.0 is a curator and theorist whose work focuses on the intersections of global liberation struggles with a centering on postorientalism, decolonial aesthetics, and thought within the wider reaches of contemporary art and culture.
Wawa (b.1987) is a poet from Hong Kong. She received degrees in Philosophy from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Leiden University (Netherlands). She has been a soprano, an indie singer, a lyricist, an art and design magazine editor, a philosophical counselling assistant, and a cowherd. Some of her work can be found in Cha: An Asian Literary Journal, Guernica Daily, The Margins, and the anthology Quixotica: Poems East of La Mancha. Her collaborative work with artists was featured in various art exhibits, and was recently broadcast on Radiophrenia Glasgow. Her first book of poems, Pei Pei the Monkey King, is forthcoming from Tinfish Press. She now lives in Honolulu, Hawai'i.
MollyMae Whawell www.mollymaewhawell.co.uk
Robyn Walsh robynwalsh92@gmail.com
Rebecca Stewart rebe.stew@googlemail.com
Heidi Chiu http://cargocollective.com/heidichiu
Jasmine Fullerton-Smith jasminefullertonsmith.jfs@gmail.com
Shona MacPherson shonamacpherson@hotmail.com
Katy Hundertmark http://katyhundertmark.com/